Your Right Franchise
Why Are So Many People Not Working?If nothing changes, this generation of men will earn less, pay less in taxes, consume more in government services, marry less frequently and lead increasingly unhealthy lives that lead to earlier deaths.
Why are so many working age men not working?
Nearly 3 million American men in their prime working years, age 25 to 54, are unemployed and have stopped looking for work.
The United States ties England and Spain among the 13 most developed countries in lowest upward mobility. The reasons are many but include corporate greed, outsourcing of jobs and often employers’ focus on shareholder value over employee worth.
Everything has changed around them – the things that we relied on in the past no longer exist, jobs have become commoditized and offer little to no security. Many have experienced multiple events of downsizing, loss of opportunity and are fearful that they’ve become irrelevant and feel they’re the only ones who think or experience this.
Most people have come to accept that there is a new normal – it doesn’t mean we have to like it, but it also doesn’t mean we need to become a victim. Many are considering business ownership as a career alternative. If you’re going to break the cycle of complexity to transition and become self-sufficient, you need to understand whom you turn to.
But where do you start looking, where do you go from here?
I help people who want to break the un/employment cycle to transform their lives and go from frustration to self-sufficiency. We represent our clients’ interests first and foremost. We begin by helping our clients think about their goals, what they really want from their life and what needs to happen to begin the process of transforming their frustrations into freedom.
My tools are Education, Relationship and Opportunity. Our mutual objective is to determine if owning your own business is the best avenue for you, and then to find franchise opportunities that best match your personal and financial goals.
Like many of my clients, you probably have many questions including whether franchising is right for you, what’s available in your area, what’s the required investment, and what franchise opportunities are the best fit for you to accomplish your financial and lifestyle goals.